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Higher Education

So far in 2018 we have been able to assist a foster teen with the expenses associated with attending George Washington University. This teen gained admission but has had some issues with obtaining all of the aid that is necessary for him to attend school. As a homeless foster teen, many avenues to aid are blocked to him because he does not have an address other than his dorm and he does not have a parent or guardian to co-sign any loan papers. This responsible teen is working part time in addition to taking a full course load. FYTF is assisting him with his car insurance and phone costs as well as grocery money. Out of the modest sum we are providing he still hopes to put away some money to help him with tuition costs. This teen has a wonderful mentor who is helping him manage his funds. (Update: This teen successfully finished his college education at GWU and found gainful employment!)

In 2018 we have also been able to assist ten other foster youth ages 16-20 with some basic clothing items. We were also privileged to present the ten foster teens with duffle bags for the holidays containing, pillows, socks and toiletries. These are necessary items as teens get older and prepare to age out of the foster care system.

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