The Board of Directors
Director and Co-Founder
Malia Simon Kishore is a retired attorney and 18 year CASA volunteer in Great Falls, Virginia.
Vice President / Treasurer
and Co-Founder
Lisa Balatbat is a Senior Manager FS Adivsory at Ernst & Young, New York, NY.
Amy Schuette Zeidler is a financial analyst for McCormick and Co., in Baltimore Maryland.
Ruth Wilsey Eisenhour is an environmental educator for Harford County, Maryland and recipient of the Maryland Association of Environmental and Outdoor Educators (MAEOE) 2009 Robert Finton Teacher of the Year Award.
Bryan J. Even, Retired, Vice President, Raytheon and CEO, Raytheon Technical Services, Wethersfield, Connecticut.
Leilani J. Ramirez, Audio Specialist, Los Angeles, California.
Kimberly Lohmann Giebel, District Manager, Neuroscience Division, Pfiizer Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Reston, Virginia.
Lynn Lailas, Educator, Forestville Elementary School, Great Falls, Virginia.