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Helping Fosters Help the Wildlife in 2015

May 8, 2015- Thanks to all who attended our fundraiser and all of our donors! Thanks to you we will once again be able to assist the foster teens during their internship at U.S. Fish and Wildlife this summer. We will be able to supply them with metro cards so they can get to work and meal cards so they can go out and eat lunch with their peers. Being on time and being “business social” is a great start to becoming a success in the workplace, and thanks to our donors these kids will have two less things to worry about this summer.

Good news! FYTF will be participating in the Combined Federal Campaign for the National Capital Area! Our code is 93491!

Once again FYTF will be supporting ten US Fish and Wildlife interns with lunches and metro fare. We received the excellent news that one of last year’s foster youth interns was offered a permanent position at US Fish and Wildlife this year.

FYTF is celebrating it’s tenth anniversary! Part of that celebration will be our first fundraiser ever! We will be raising funds to support the interns (and any other foster youth that need us!) If you haven’t received the Evite and wish to attend please email Malia Kishore at The event is Friday, May 8, 2015 from 7-10. All donations are used to benefit foster youth as all the administrative costs associated with running the foundation are funded by the FYTF volunteers. All donations are tax deductible to the maximum extent allowed by law. Thinking about supporting an intern? Here is the breakdown:

$20 = lunch and metro fare for 1 day for 1 intern

$50 = lunch for 1 week for 1 intern

$50= metro fare for 1 week for 1 intern

$100= lunch and metro fare for 1 intern for 1 week

$200= lunch and metro fare for 1 intern for 2 weeks.

$350= lunch and metro fare for 1 intern for half of the summer

$700= lunch and metro fare for 1 intern for the entire summer.

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